The Critical Care Unit is designed to constantly monitor each patient�s condition. All 12 patient rooms are in direct view of the central nurse�s station. From here, each patient�s cardiac monitor and other equipment is continuously observed by specially trained staff. Our nurses are specifically trained to operate this equipment and to respond appropriately to the various alarms you may hear during your visit. We understand that the monitors and equipment used in the Critical Care unit may be overwhelming to visitors and we encourage you to ask your nurse any questions you may have about the equipment being used in the care of your loved one.
You may inquire about your loved one�s condition at any time by calling 876-7900. The Critical Care Unit Secretary will direct the call to your nurse, who can give you an update and/or transfer your call to the patient�s room if the patient is able to receive phone calls.
Leave a phone number with your nurse where you or the family spokesperson may be reached.
Some questions regarding the specific medical treatment plan or prognosis may need to be referred to your physician.
Critical Care Unit
5974 Pentz Road
Paradise, CA 95969
Hospital: 530/877-9361
Critical Care Unit: (530) 876-7900
The staff of Feather River Hospital�s Critical Care Unit recognizes that this is a difficult time for you and your family. We are here to support you in any way we can. The family has an important role in the successful recovery of the patient. Here are a few suggestions that may help you to better support your loved one during their stay in the Critical Care Unit.
Take care of yourself and your own needs. Getting proper rest and nutrition will allow you to be more emotionally available to your loved one and better able to cope during this time.
Look to other family members, friends, clergy, church members or other community
resources for help and support.
Feel free to ask questions. Your nurse is available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have and will keep you updated on the plan of care and any changes in condition.
Ask your nurse what you can do during your visits to contribute to the comfort and recovery of your loved one.
You may request assistance from our chaplains at any time.