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Feather River Hospital recognizes the importance of hospice services
in our local
community. Hospice Sabbath, sometimes known as Compassion Sabbath,
raises awareness of hospice issues and concern, serve to increase both
level and skill in facilitating conversations about death and dying, and explore
ways that the faith community can respond. Let us help you find ways to recognize
hospice services:
• Give
an offering at your church November 6 & 7 marked for Paradise Hospice
Serenity Garden Project.
• Present
your church membership with Hospice Sabbath bookmarks donated by Paradise Hospice.
• Call
872-7166 to receive a free Hospice Sabbath flower arrangement to show during
November 6 & 7.
• Pray
that God will bless those who provide hospice services and for families who
have experienced that compassion and strength for themselves.
For additional questions or comments on how to celebrate Hospice Sabbath, please
do not hesitate to
Lis Roberts