Your Birthing Experience

At The Birth Day Place we try to incorporate your personal preferences to create an atmosphere that makes you most comfortable. Our goal is to make your birth experience what you dream it should be. Your personal desires for this birth experience are always considered.

You can decide with your doctor who should be with you during labor and delivery and whether they should participate in the birthing process. You can select your favorite music to listen to, or watch videos in the privacy of your own suite. Each room has its own garden view with an abundance of natural light. In the evening you can adjust the level of lighting to suit your preference. A private Jacuzzi is available for your comfort in early labor. Medications and Anesthesia are also available upon your practitioner's approval.

Of course, ethically and legally we must follow the accepted practices of the medical nursing professions in recommending types of monitoring and other treatment. Should your wishes differ, we will be glad to discuss them with you. Fundamental to your experience is the sensitivity and caring of our maternity staff. We are noted for our friendly and comforting staff. Our knowledgeable nurses will assist you through labor, delivery and recovery, and also advise you on the care of your newborn.

Private Birthing Suites

The unique design of our beautifully decorated rooms provide for any special care that you or your baby may require while maintaining a comfortable home-like setting. The single room birthing experience allows you the comfort and support of having loved ones nearby during the entire birth process. The family is encouraged to remain with you, if you desire, during the important bonding time immediately following birth. Fathers are encouraged to spend the night. This provides a special time for mom and dad to get to know their new family member. This also is a great opportunity for both mom and dad to ask questions and learn to care for baby.

Cesarean Birth

At The Birth Day Place, mothers who give birth by cesarean section are also able to share the experience with someone close to them. We offer a special Cesarean Birth Class to prepare you and your partner, should cesarean be necessary. If your delivery is a scheduled, non-emergency cesarean, with your obstetrician's approval, your partner may remain with you during the birth to support you and to welcome your baby's arrival.

After the surgery is completed you will be first taken to a recovery room for observation. If you are awake enough and request it, the baby may be brought to you for breast-feeding. After the recovery period, you'll be taken back to your OB room.

Admission Procedures

To make sure that your pregnancy goes as smoothly as possible, we try to prepare you for everything before it happens. At our Expectant Parent classes, most details are covered to prepare you for your baby's arrival well before the excitement of the big day.

We ask all expectant mothers to register in advance. This will be done in the hospital Admitting Department. Should you deliver early, we will have all the necessary information already on file. And by preregistering, you'll have one less thing to worry about when the time comes.

What to Bring

To make your stay with us as comfortable as possible, you may bring personal items along with you. Please bring your bathrobe, slippers, and personal toilet articles.

If you choose to bring any electrical equipment, such as a radio, tape or CD player, it must be a battery-operated model. We do not allow plug in items from home for safety reasons.

Some additional suggestions to consider are Birth Certificate information, nursing bra, extra pillows and a camera. If you bring a video camera, please plan ahead and have the battery charged. For the baby you should bring a receiving blanket and a going home outfit. A car seat is required by law for infants. Please don't bring any valuables, jewelry or medicines from home. While you are here, your physician will order any prescriptions needed through our in-house pharmacy.

Your Arrival

The Birth Day Place entrance is open 6 a.m. - 9 p.m. During these hours you can proceed directly to Labor and Delivery. After hours, simply go to our Emergency Department and you will be promptly escorted to OB.

Rooming In

Because the beginning of your baby's life is so important emotionally for the both of you, The Birth Day Place feels you should be together as much as possible.

Unless there are special needs, your baby will stay with you as much as you desire. You care for your infant as much as you like and are able. If you request that your baby be cared for in the nursery, this is also an option.


In accordance with your wishes, the father or significant other is encouraged to stay throughout the birth experience and overnight in your room as well. Family and friends may visit with you and your baby as soon as you desire visitors.

Please advise family and friends who are planning to visit, the importance of thorough hand washing before touching or holding your baby. Your visitors should also be free of infection.

Caring doesn't stop at delivery. Our concern for you continues after delivery. To help mothers care for themselves and the new arrival, you will receive individual instruction from experienced OB and Lactation nurses.

Infant Security

Your baby's safety is a priority. Precautions are taken to be sure your baby is protected. You will encounter a secured door in our lobby that is electronically monitored. We require a visual and verbal identification prior to any admittance into our unit. All of our entrances and exits are electronically monitored.

We provide infant ID bands that are placed on you and your baby along with finger and foot prints. You will be asked to read and sign our Infant Security & Safety form prior to your delivery.

Bonding After Birth

Immediately after delivery, you may hold and cuddle your new baby. The Birth Day Place encourages an early period with your new baby following the birth. The family is encouraged to participate in this very special time. We believe the importance of having family nearby begins for the infant from the moment of birth.

Baby's First Feeding

A nurse, trained in lactation, will be on hand to assist with your baby's first feeding. Whether breast or bottle feeding, support and assistance will continue throughout your stay.

Lactaction & Postpartum Support

The Birth Day Place and the Family Health Center provide Lactation Services. These services are provided by a Certified Lactation Consultant, Lactation Educators, and Perinatal nurses trained in establishing breastfeeding routines and getting breastfeeding off to a good start. We are here to help the nursing mother achieve her personal breastfeeding goals during her hospital stay and beyond.

Other services available in association with Feather River Hospital include, postpartum home visits by a Registered Nurse with special training in maternal/child health, breast pump rentals and supplies, and return to hospital outpatient lactation follow up.

Leaving with Baby

Most new mothers choose to stay with us a while following delivery, giving both mother and baby a chance to rest in comfort and privacy. However, if you request early discharge and both your pediatrician and your obstetrician agree, then early discharge can be arranged.

California state law requires that all children under four years of age be protected by a car seat when traveling in a motor vehicle. When purchasing your car seat make sure it fits in your car and is made to secure a newborn.

  • Birth Day Place delivers approximately 780 babies each year in eight private birthing suites
  • Awarded the only Gold-Level, California Award for Performance Excellence in 2008 and awarded a Silver-Level award in 2006
  • A 100% smoke-free campus